Date : 27 March 2012
Venue : IPDA
Purpose : Sharing Inner Feeling
Camera : Canon Ixus 130i
I want to share some of my opinion~
Instant and Real
More or less, it's about EFFORT ~
When someone tell you that : "Wa, you are sooo Great ... You must be genius !! ,"
How do you feel for this sentence?
Is it a compliment or just a few words that make you uncomfortable ?
For example, when given a task,
for sure everyone need to find their solution to complete it.
In the progression of doing IT,
How many commitment, passion and energy,
How long you spend,
What other things have you sacrificed?
Ask yourself,
Do you really concentrate 100% with every task given?
Are you satisfied with your work done today?
Being told that you are so smart do do it?
is that all? Just because of intelligence?
I am always wondering if i can complete my task earlier,
on the way to reach my goal,
more than thousands or even millions steps i have walked,
Uncountable drops of sweat falling down through my body,
it is very torturing and exhausting,
and finally i barely to stand on my goal.
I will define it as an EFFORT.
Not only to depend on your brain mentally,
but psychically it also do need your whole body.
Every work, if you expect that you can do it well,
but just an imagination.
You will stay in your DREAM forever.
If you want to realize your dream, please show it with your EFFORT.
Effort do not consuming or decreasing your lifespan,
there are proof, honour and dignity to display that every move you choose is not a waste on time.
But it is involving your will to make a start of the goal,
You will definitely enjoy your success when you are finally coming to an end with it.
Enjoy the progression when dealing with your tasks,
never dreaming of how good you can do,
but try to achieve how much you can get through it.
Without Effort, Your dream will be just a untouchable imagination.
Within Effort, Your Dream will be a truly solid reality to gain with.
In a nutshell, you have to learn to do it,
don't say that it is too hard or impossible for you,
you will get nothing in the end without paying any effort.
If you regret and give up, you have lost your way forever.
Don't Expect for The Perfect Goal, Try to Achieve the Best You Can.
Thanks for reading, Without Effort, Without Dream.
another quotes sharing : the number one reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have gotten.
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